The tide is turning toward the culture of life in America. Thousands of women and men who were once pro-choice are now passionately pro-life and becoming pro-life advocates and leaders who are talking like never before about the devastating effects of abortion.
Abortion clinic workers are leaving the business and becoming pro-life advocates. Movements like 40 Days for Life have reported that over 170 abortion facility workers had a change of heart and left the abortion industry!
Meanwhile former Planned Parenthood Clinic Director Abby Johnson founded an organization called “And Then There Were None.” Because of Abby’s work, over 400 abortion clinic workers have left the industry including 6 abortionists who have quit and now fight to save lives! They are shouting their stories like never before!
For more information visit And Then There Were None
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My Abortion Story
by Jan Ruffner
I made the worst decision of my life when I killed my baby by abortion in 1972 at age 17. On October 30, 1972, my baby had been growing inside my body for 16 weeks. I have named her Rachel Katherine ("little lamb, innocent, pure"). READ MORE
Mary C. Flores Personal Testimony - Abortion Offers Nothing to Women!
When I was 24 years old, I walked into an abortion clinic. I was looking for help. I had just graduated from college and, though the timing of my pregnancy might not have been “perfect”, I wanted my baby. I shared that with the “counselor” very clearly and waited for reassurance, for options, for permission from someone to be courageous.
None of these were offered.
I was told that I would not be able to care for my baby, that clearly this was not the right time for me to parent. They lied. READ MORE